Guide to Signing Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure Agreement (NCNDA) Online

  • Page 1: Enter your company name (or your name if not a company), place of registration (or place of origin if not a company), company registration number / passport or HKID number, and business address. Then, type in your initials in the right bottom corner.
  • For all other pages except final page: Add your initials to the right bottom corner.
  • Final Page: Click on the yellow blank box to add your signature, then click “Apply”.
  • Once you have filled out the blanks on all pages, you should see the “Click to Sign” blue button underneath the final page. Click on it and enter your email address.
  • You will receive an email asking you to confirm your signature. When that is done, the NCNDA will be sent to Armor Capital for our signature.
  • A copy of the countersigned NCNDA will arrive in your email inbox soon. Thank you.